The Method
Body Fly is a dance inspired approach to aerial yoga. It combines the bene ts of the world’s nest methods such as traditional Yoga, Pilates, Dance and Aerial Acrobatics.
It is a workout that integrates and profoundly mobilizes full body and mind in a holistic way. By practicing Body Fly, you empower yourself to maintain your physical tness while balancing your mind.
Through exercising Body Fly, you release tension from your back and decompress your spine in a way that is most bene cial for your health. Besides conditioning your body and building up your core muscles, you may also improve your body awareness, your balance and your posture.

The Founder
BodyFly was created in 2009 by Patricia Duchaussoy, a professional Dancer and Pilates Master Instructor. The method is organized in a well structured curriculum and is based on physical and biomechanical principles as they are found in Pilates, Dance and Yoga.
The structure of the method ensures a safe practice as it allows students to learn gradually, becoming more knowledgeable and stronger at their own pace. During the course of their training, Students learn 5 principles and 10 fundamentals fa- cilitating their practice of aerial movements and ensuring precision and mindfulness of movement which prevents injuries and accidents.

The Academy
The Body Fly International Academy has a leading role in the education, training and development of aerial Yoga and Fitness with a Dance & Pilates inspired approach.
The Body Fly method has become an international standard of good practice.
Certification obtained through Body Fly International Academy proves that a students have attended in-class education and practice-teaching for a certain number of hours, as well as passed an internationally standardized examination procedure.
Next Trainings
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BodyFly Nivel 1
Esta es una Formación de Profesores Intensiva creada por BodyFly Academy con Certificación Internacional. Esta formación es el currículum de yoga aéreo con más renombre internacional creado por Patricia. Aprenderás los 5 principios y los 7 fundamentos para enseñar...
BodyFly Level 1 Instructor Training
This is an Intensive Teacher Training by BodyFly Academy with International Certification. Next Trainings: [events-calendar-templates template="slider-view" style="style-1" category="body-fly-certification-l1" date_format="default" start_date=""...
BodyFly Level 2 Instructor Training
This is an Intensive Teacher Training Course by BodyFly Academy with International Certification. Next Trainings:[events-calendar-templates template="slider-view" style="style-1" category="body-fly-certification-l2" date_format="default" start_date=""...
BodyFly Level 3 Instructor Training
This is an Intensive Teacher Training Course by BodyFly Academy with International Certification. Next Trainings: [events-calendar-templates template="slider-view" style="style-1" category="body-fly-certification-l3" date_format="default" start_date=""...